Beginner Piano

We have the perfect musical experience for your child! Welcome to our beginner piano classes, designed for children ages 4 and up – a journey of discovery, creativity, and joy.

Our 4-5 year old students begin lessons in the Little KeyNotes program. This is a curriculum that uses games, singing, coloring and many other props to introduce students to the notes of the piano, 5-finger C position and basic rhythms. Seasons of the year are introduced with visuals as well as pages to color. Each week, students add a new note to their repertoire and learn pieces based around a theme such as Animal Alphabet or On the Farm.

Students aged 6+ can begin in our Storytellers program. Songs are used to illustrate stories and students learn keyboard geography, finger numbers, rhythms, and musical elements through learning to play those songs. Many even sing with their own playing! Storytellers books come in both a pre-reader and a reader version (the latter having pitch notation) and will be used depending on the age and prior musical knowledge of the student.

Students 10+ begin with our KeyNotes Play program. Students will learn landmark notes and directional reading starting with middle C position. Differentiation for every piece with challenge levels are clearly labelled so students are able to track their own level with positive peer encouragement. The music and layout appeals to older beginners and lessons include self-evaluation tables.

Enroll now, and let the keys of the piano unlock a world of creativity and melody for your child!

Fall Classes Enrolling Later This Summer

Don’t want to wait for our fall classes?
Join us for our Piano Summer Camps

Storytellers (ages 6-9)
June 17-21, July 22-26, or August 12-16

Little KeyNotes (ages 4-5)
June 24-28, July 8-12, or August 5-9

Escape Room Piano (ages 8+)
July 15-19 or July 29 – August 2

Learn more about our Summer Camps here: